LGBT Sexual Harassment


Sexual violence and assault affects every demographic and every community, including the LGBT community. According to the US CDC, individuals of the LGBT community experience sexual assault at similar or higher rates than straight people. Sexual harassment in the workplace is inappropriate and unlawful. Regrettably, many employers do not take such matters seriously and do…

Common Opportunistic Infections when you living with HIV


People with HIV have badly damaged immune systems. They get an increasing number of severe illnesses, called opportunistic infections (OIs). Opportunistic infections (OIs) are illnesses that occur more frequently and are more severe in people with HIV. This is because they have damaged immune systems. Today, OIs are less common in people with HIV because…

FDA approves first condom meant for anal sex


Authorization of the One Male Condom is expected to help reduce the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS in both anal and vaginal intercourse, the FDA said in a press release. “The risk of STI transmission during anal intercourse is significantly higher than during vaginal intercourse. The FDA’s authorization of a condom that is specifically indicated, evaluated…

First woman reported cured of HIV after stem cell transplant


In Feb 15, 2022, a U.S. patient with leukemia has become the first woman and the third person to date to be cured of HIV after receiving a stem cell transplant from a donor who was naturally resistant to the virus that causes AIDS. The case of a middle-aged woman of mixed race, presented at…

The fact about the new, more dangerous variant of HIV


The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that mutations in a virus can significantly change a pathogen’s infectiousness and severity of disease. Now, new research from the University of Oxford finds a new variant of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, that is potentially more infectious and could more seriously affect the immune system. So far, 109 people,…

The theme of World AIDS Day 2021


Annually on December 1st, we commemorate World AIDS Day and reflect upon our worldwide response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. This year has been especially poignant as we mark 40 years since the first five cases of what later became known as AIDS were officially reported and honor the more than 36 million people. The theme…

Benefits of routine HIV screening


Vietnam is committed to reaching 95% of people living with HIV knowing their HIV status by 2030. That means there are still many people living with HIV who do not know they are infected, and are capable of transmitting it to others. . Therefore, it is necessary to test for HIV periodically while risk behaviors…

Second person cleared of HIV remains free of virus one year on


Researchers reveal Adam Castillejo still in remission 12 months after ‘cure’ declared.   The patient who became the second person ever to be cleared of HIV remains free of the virus a year after initial reports of a “cure”, researchers have revealed. Adam Castillejo, who was until Monday known only as the “London patient”, was declared free of HIV…

PrEP – thuốc dự phòng HIV hiệu quả hơn 90%


Từ tháng 9/2015, WHO khuyến cáo những người có nguy cơ lây nhiễm HIV cao nên sử dụng PrEP (viết tắt của Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis hay dự phòng trước phơi nhiễm HIV). Tính tới thời điểm hiện tại, PrEP là một biện pháp dự phòng HIV có hiệu quả đáng kinh ngạc. Có thể nói, PrEP…

Dự phòng sau phơi nhiễm HIV (PEP) hiệu quả ra sao?


PEP – hay dự phòng sau phơi nhiễm HIV có hiệu quả nhất trong việc ngăn ngừa nhiễm HIV  trong vòng 72 giờ ngay sau khi có nguy cơ phơi nhiễm (tức là có nguy cơ nhiễm HIV sau khi tiếp xúc trực tiếp với máu hoặc dịch tiết của người có HIV). PEP cần…

Ngày màu hồng xét nghiệm HIV và STIs miễn phí


Ngày Màu Hồng là hoạt động cộng đồng với xét nghiệm HIV và các nhiễm trùng qua đường tình dục (STIs) miễn phí do Glink hỗ trợ. Trong tháng 07 vừa qua, hơn 200 người đã được xét nghiệm HIV và STIs miễn phí tại Tp.HCM và Hà Nội.   Tổng hợp các phương pháp…